• Haryati Bawole Sutanto
  • Giovani Ardyta Saputri


Urbanization has led to environmental pollution in the city especially the water pollution. Therefore, the protection of water sources from the pollution is one of the important aspects of the economic growth. Increasing public awareness to deal with the wastewater is related to be the one of the pollution control efforts. Heavy metals can be found in industrial wastewater as well as in urban wastewater even in very small quantities. The exposure to the heavy metals in the environment can cause serious effects on the food chain. A laboratory scale study was focused on the effectiveness of the system of the constructed wetland as an alternative tertiary treatment of the wastewater of the tannery processing industry which has passed the secondary treatment but still has not been able to reduce the chromium content in the effluent that will be discharged into the environment. The study proves that the removal efficiency of Cr-total of the constructed wetland system can reach 92% for the system using “melati air” (Echinodorus palaefolius) and proves that the constructed wetland system can be used as an alternative of the tertiary treatment to reduce chromium content in the effluent.


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How to Cite
Sutanto, H., & Saputri, G. (2018). ALTERNATIF SISTEM PENGOLAHAN LANJUTAN LIMBAH INDUSTRI PENYAMAKAN KULIT MENGGUNAKAN LAHAN BASAH BUATAN. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bagi Civitas Akademika 2017, 1(1), 142-146. Retrieved from