• Lucia Dwi Krisnawati
Keywords: text reuse, plagiarism detection, phrasewords, local weighting technique


This study presents a framework for detecting text reuse which is based on two novel features for its two different stages. On the source retrieval subtask, it introduces the use of phrasewords, while on the text alignment subtask, significant words weighted locally are introduced as seeds. The experiment results shows that the proposed methods are capable of recognizing not only the (near-) duplicate cases, but partially reused cases, and the paraphrased texts as well.

Keywords: text reuse, plagiarism detection, phrasewords, local weighting technique


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How to Cite
Krisnawati, L. (2018). THE USE OF PHRASEWORD AND LOCAL-WEIGTED TERMS AS FEATURES FOR TEXT REUSE AND PLAGIARISM DETECTION. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bagi Civitas Akademika 2017, 1(1), 27-44. Retrieved from