• Sriana Delfiati


Seraya Village known as the village of Seraya Marannu is one of the fishing villages in the islands of Flores, West Nusa Tenggara. Seraya village is located on the island of Seraya Besar which can be reached approximately 1 hour from Labuan Bajo by sea. Many residents in the village use open space as an alternative space for work and any other activities of the family. The purpose of this research is to find the typology of open spaces and the factors that affect the development of Seraya Village. The discussion is using theory related to typology of open space and settlement in urban areas. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach to get description about factors that affect the composition of open spaces. By identifying resident of the settlement, the factors that should be considered are social and economic factor of the community. While the factors that should be taken into account in order to identify physical characteristics of houses is houses, existence of open space, building and also home ownership and the facilities available in these village.
The results of the study found that the typology of open space in Seraya village has a basic form of Linear. From these basic forms there are several other forms/patterns were found. Factors affecting the composition of open space in both village is settlement factor and activity of the people.
Keywords: typology, open space, environment, settlement.


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How to Cite
Delfiati, S. (2018). TIPOLOGI RUANG PADA RUANG LUAR DI DESA SERAYA MARANNU, FLORES, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bagi Civitas Akademika 2017, 1(1), 180-192. Retrieved from https://genesis.ukdw.ac.id/lppm/seminar/index.php/seminar2017/article/view/14