• Heru Kristanto


This research investigates whether procedural and interactional justice climates affect service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (S-O OCB) through different social exchange relationships. This cross-level study of 425 employees from 56 hotels in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province demonstrates that procedural justice climates affect SO OCB directly and via the mediating variable of perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange. The relationship between procedural justice climates and S-O OCB is fully mediated by perceived organizational support and partially mediated by leadermember exchange. The research also find that interactional justice climates influence S-O OCB directly is not supported.

Keywords: service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior, procedural justice climates, interactional justice climates, perceived organizational support, and leader-member exchange.


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How to Cite
Kristanto, H. (2018). IKLIM KEADILAN ORGANISASIONAL SEBAGAI ANTESEDEN PERILAKU KEWARGAAN ORGANISASIONAL ORIENTASI-PELAYANAN: DUKUNGAN ORGANISASIONAL PERSEPSIAN DAN PERTUKARAN PEMIMPINANGGOTA SEBAGAI PEMEDIASI. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bagi Civitas Akademika 2017, 1(1), 1-26. Retrieved from https://genesis.ukdw.ac.id/lppm/seminar/index.php/seminar2017/article/view/1