• Singgih Santoso
  • Budi Sutedjo Darmo Oetomo


Nowadays, amid increasingly tight competition in the business environment and the more difficult a student gets a new job, entrepreneur is increasingly in demand by some college graduates. The advancement of information technology has enabled many jobs to be carried out efficiently, the dissemination of knowledge takes place quickly and widely, so that one's interest to open up business by utilizing information technology is also increasing. The purpose of this research is to test research model whether self efficacy and motivation will affect their intentions to become entrepreneurs. In general, self efficacy is a condition in which individuals believe that a behavior is easy or difficult to do, including experiences and obstacles that individuals consider; while motivation leads to entrepreneurial activities that can be interpreted as a stimulus that can encourage someone to run a business. The research design is survey using questionnaire given to a number of students at UKDW with purposive sampling technique. By using multiple regression analysis, the result showed that Self Efficacy and Motivation variables proved positively significant to Entrepreneur Intention.
Keywords: Self Efficacy, Motivation, Entrepreneur Intention


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How to Cite
Santoso, S., & Oetomo, B. (2018). PENGARUH MOTIVASI DAN EFIKASI DIRI TERHADAP MINAT MEMBUKA START-UP BUSINESS PADA MAHASISWA. Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bagi Civitas Akademika 2017, 1(1), 214-227. Retrieved from